Thursday, January 3, 2013

Monthly Goals

I am a control freak. I like to stay on top of things.. at all times. However, I am trying to learn how to live in the moment and be a happier person. I want to be able to say "I am the happiest girl I know." I think I have to let some of the control freak in me go in order to live life to its fullest.

Like I said.. keeping resolutions is not a strong suit of mine. I attempt to do well and keep them, really,  I do! But it never happens. I have a really bad short term memory and forget (a lot). Because of my terrible memory I rely heavily on a daily task schedule and calendar. Making lists and checking completed tasks off is what drives me to stay on top of things. Unless my resolutions are written down on some sort of list that I have with me everyday, every where I go, its impossible for me to remember them.

At this point in my life, just graduated college, job searching, I find myself getting a little lost in all the applications and stressed. I have decided to pick five goals a month that will help me enjoy life and accomplish what I have been working so hard to achieve. Yes, I will have to write these goals down somewhere I can see them each day and have the ability and satisfaction to check off each goal as I achieve them!

So with no further adieu, I give you the five goals of January:

1. Read at least 2 books. I get so wrapped up in crappy TV shows that I lose sight of how happy reading makes me.

2. Be a better driver. all my friends and family will tell you that I am a terrible driver. That is going to change.

3. Complete one DIY project: I love getting creative and working on a project.

4. bake something new. I love baking, I am not really good at cooking, so baking makes me feel like I can accomplish something!

5. take lots of pictures. I am going to have a fun month, live without reservation (to an extent) and I want to capture all those moments to share with you!!

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